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Showing posts with the label burqa

Niqab Ban in Switzerland and Beyond

 A liberal argument. “ In Switzerland, population 8.5 million, that number is  estimated  between 21 and 37. These are fractions so small they barely register on a calculator.” In 2009, the French newspaper  Le Figaro  estimated that only 2,000 women in France–out of a total French population of 65 million–wear the burga in France. Targeting Muslims makes them even more visible, only contributing to an increase of racism and Islamophobia. The process is cyclical. Normalising anti-Muslim bigotry
Headlines on, 26 August 2016 "BAN THE BURQA?:  Eight in ten Germans favor banning the burqa in public spaces."  " THE BURKINI'S WILD RIDE:  A judge in France ruled that municipalities cannot ban women from wearing a certain kind of swimwear." Culturalization of social antagonisms, identity politics, etc .