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Showing posts with the label CO2
The cause is almost entirely "human activities" after the industrial revolution . What are these human activities? Who carried out the industrial revolution? What type of economic system which is responsible for it? Are global corportaions, in collusion with governments, looking for higher profits responsible? Or, is it smoking cigarettes, farting, barbecuing, etc responsible? Impartiality of the BBC!
"The climate movement made an enormous mistake. We focused all our attention on fossil fuels, when we should have been pointing to something much deeper: the basic logic of our economic operating system." Indeed . Clean energy won't save us
The Arctic as it is known today is almost certainly gone by 2040 .  The capitalist mode of production will liberate it from ice. The good news is that " an ice-free Arctic ocean promises a shortcut for shipping between the Pacific coast of Asia and the Atlantic coasts of Europe and the Americas, and the possibility of prospecting for perhaps a fifth of the planet’s undiscovered supplies of oil and natural gas."