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Showing posts with the label "violence against women"
Capitalism "degrades and undervalues precisely those who make real social wealth: nurses and other workers in hospitals and healthcare, agricultural laborers, workers in food factories, supermarket employees and delivery drivers, waste collectors, teachers, child carers, elderly carers. These are the racialized, feminized workers that capitalism humiliates and stigmatizes with low wages and often dangerous working conditions." On Social Reproduction and the Covid-19 Pandemic
" The most disgusting article I read in a long time [in the liberal Guardian]. All that is wrong with bourgeois liberal feminism which serves as nothing but being the tool of capitalism, militarism, and imperialism! Instead of saying "Women must smash NATO", it propagates that the same monstruous institution ' that is one of the most evil alliances to have blessed the universe and which is therefore one of the most direct causes for violence, conflict, and war - to help the poor poor woman. The only way NATO can help women is to disappear from the face of earth forever!  Down with patriarchy - down with militarism - and down with the idiots who try to sell us evil with a gender friendly face!" — Dilar Dirik